Make Time For Play | Steady Horse Training

Make Time For Play

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Did you know that play is an important part of almost every animal’s life? Just like human children, animal children use play as a way to learn and practice skills that they will need as adults. Play also contributes to cognitive, social, and emotional development. But the importance of play extends beyond just the first stage of life.

Even in adult humans, play adds joy, relieves stress, increases learning capacity, and develops relationships. It’s not such a stretch, then, to understand that the same is true for our horses.

Like with people (both young and old), making time for play with your horse is an important part of keeping your equine partner happy and healthy. Playing releases endorphins which help your horse to relax and feel good! And a happy horse makes a much more willing partner.

So not only is playing a healthy development tool for young horses, it’s also crucial for a happy and healthy adult! And as an added benefit, engaging in play with your horse also builds bonds and strengthens your relationship with them.

So then, what does play mean for a horse? Here are a few ways you can let your horse play:

Turn Your Horse Out

Turn your horse out in a large area with a friend! Let them run around and play together. (Make sure that the area is safe, and that the horses have enough history together that you can trust them to be friendly and not aggressive with one another.)

Especially for horses kept primarily in stalls, this is such an important opportunity for your horse to stretch their legs and goof off outside the context of a ride or training session where they have to be thinking and working hard.

Play a Game

Come up with a game that you can play with your horse. It might be tag, or even peek-a-boo; it doesn’t really matter what it is, as long as it engages your horse and keeps their attention. This is a great way to build relationship with your horse, while also giving them something fun to focus on.

Free Ride

Take your horse for a ride, but rather than guiding them or focusing on intense training, let them take the lead! Allow them the opportunity to explore, pick their own steps, and go where they want to go. (Of course, be mindful not to compromise safety or allow bad behavior.) This is a great way to relax with your horse, and also to give them the freedom to have a little fun!

It’s important to provide opportunities for your horse to be relaxed, have fun, and exercise their mind and body. So don’t forget to make time for play!

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